This is a superb pioneering work that should be viewed by every Orthodox person in North America, and by all those interested in Orthodoxy in America and in how to live the Orthodox Christian life. It should be a part of every Orthodox adult and youth education program across our continent. Here is a true hero for our times, who can well serve as a model of how to take up one's cross and follow Jesus Christ. This production is all digitally videotaped and edited, and is of the highest technical quality. We guarantee you will love this video set, and will be delighted to encounter this modern hero, our Apostle to America.
This video set is the first of what will be an on-going series of 30-minute documentary videos (digitally videotaped and edited) about the lives of Orthodox saints, although this inaugural video set is in 2 parts. The series has received the blessing and endorsement of the chief hierarchs of a number of America’s Orthodox jurisdictions.