(in English)

This audio-book presents the magnificent small book by the Apostle to America, St. Innocent of Alaska; it is an awesome, timeless masterpiece---as inspiring today as it was when he wrote it in 1833. As a young married missionary priest on the Aleutian Island of Unalaska, the future saint wrote this book (the first in the Aleut language) in a simple, direct way that anyone can understand, for use in his missionary work. But it is a marvelous concise guide for anyone, anytime, anywhere. He clearly shows how to live the Christian life, that is, how to take up one’s cross and live a life of holiness. St Innocent himself proceeded to live for the rest of his life according to what he wrote, thereby demonstrating by his own life that it is indeed possible to acquire holiness by following the path to heaven that he lays out in this book. Words are not adequate to convey how incredible this book is: it can change you and your life. It is enormously helpful for anyone who is truly serious about trying to follow Christ, and is especially valuable for anyone struggling with suffering, trials and tribulations of any kind. Through this audio-book, our Father among the Saints and Apostle to America can touch more people, as he continues to guide us today.
In addition to its enormous spiritual value in and of itself, this audio-book recording is also offered as a companion to the video set, The Life of St. Innocent of Alaska—the first in FIREBIRD’s new video series, Lives of Orthodox Saints—for his book provides much insight into what motivated St. Innocent, how he himself lived, and how he became a saint. The text for most of the "voice of St. Innocent" parts of the video are taken from this book.
- Tape 1: Side A: Introduction; Parts 1, 2 & 3 (beginning) [46 mins.]
- Side B: Part 3 (end) [40 mins.]
- Tape 2: Side A: Part 4 (beginning) [32 mins.]
- Side B: Part 4 (end) & Conclusion [32 mins.]
2 audio cassettes * Total time: 150 mins. * In English